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ARIO Engineering

Energy concepts for the day after tomorrow

Everything is becoming more complex. Especially the energy supply of buildings. Nevertheless, it is energy management that determines their value. ARIO Engineering is countering this development and planning forward-looking strategies for increasing the value of real estate.

Buildings are living spaces and meeting places. They unite a lot of requirements and needs for those who manage or own them, as well as the people who live or work in them. Energy supply plays a prominent role in this: it influences the comfort of living in buildings and contributes to man-made climate change. In view of increasing climate protection regulations and global crises, the energy supply of buildings is becoming increasingly complex.

The few companies that can offer sound advice on energy management are often large corporations with process-oriented working methods that leave little scope for flexible measures.

That’s why the ARIO team, with over 20 years of experience, starts exactly where it can have a lasting effect: at the beginning.

Perceive mindfully,
empower without bias.

ARIO is a boutique consulting and planning agency for building energy.

Together with Studio VEH, ARIO has developed the vision to establish ARIO as THE premium standard when it comes to developing holistic strategies to continuously increase energy efficiency in real estate by consistently committing to their quality standards.

Their daily actions are driven by the mission to encourage property managers and owners to drive forward the development of their energy efficiency step by step.

Every cubic meter offers the opportunity to make a difference.

ARIO therefore encourages its customers to act with foresight and contribute to the energy efficiency of their buildings and in general by thinking today about the day after tomorrow. “Energizing” thus forms the core value of the company: ARIO’s greatest value lies in the release of activation energy, which encourages its customers to consistently implement their plans.

An inspiring spirit

ARIO is a visionary brand that combines the brand archetypes “the wise” and “the creator” in perfect harmony – to inspire companies and the people who work there to evolve.

As “the sage”, ARIO embodies a deep understanding of the world and the importance of energy in particular, offering its clients knowledge and insightful guidance and outlook for the future. ARIO empowers organizations to broaden their horizons and strive for continuous learning and improvement. At the same time, as “the creator”, ARIO celebrates the limitless power of innovation and new thinking. The concepts they create
think outside the box, have real value and thus inspire customers.

By intertwining these two archetypes, ARIO becomes a catalyst for knowledge, growth and development and thus manages to sustainably improve and increase value.

Efficient navigation

ARIO’s interdisciplinary team of experts works with its customers to identify potential for their building energy and helps to remove any blockages that are holding the company back from forward-looking development.

The continuous development of energy efficiency sometimes requires unconventional solutions.

In the form of an abstract flock of birds, ARIO’s new logo symbolizes the team’s ability to pay attention to individual circumstances and react flexibly.

A flock of birds reacts flexibly to events because it has a well-developed communication system and is highly sensitive to its surroundings. Close cooperation and coordination within the flock enables it to navigate efficiently and achieve set goals. This flexibility enables the swarm to successfully adapt to different situations and act as a unit.

The new figurative mark is complemented by an individually developed word mark.

The aim to not only maintain but also increase the value of real estate is also expressed in the new claim:

“Die Wertverbesserer” (A neologism in German – an approximate translation would be “The value improvers”).

It shows the team’s hands-on approach of acting actively and holistically and thus making a contribution to a future worth living.

The strategic positioning of the company was summarized in an identity manual, supplemented by design guidelines for the visual appearance of the brand: On 60 pages you have all the guidelines for the external communication of the ARIO brand at your fingertips.

Energizing means adding or reviving energy. Energy from which ARIO’s customers draw the strength to act as well as courage, confidence and trust.

We have also visualized this energy in the brand’s visual identity: Dynamic, moving shapes in bright yellow symbolize the energy and the guiding principle of ARIO Engineering: We actively shape development.

The claim to inspire new ideas with knowledge is reflected the brand’s external communication. We have derived meta-themes from the brand values that ARIO talks about: individualization, development, change of perspective, inspiration. These include, for example, social media posts on property-specific solutions, market assessments, sustainable building management and investment security.


Strategy: Franziska Veh, Jens Hofmayer
Creative Direction: Franziska Veh
Claim & Text: Mark-Marcel Müller
Art Direction: Lind Haugaard
Design: Lind Haugaard, Aditi Kapur, Beren Tezcanli
3D Art: Alexis M. Varga
Development: Ruben Meines